THE KABBALAH OF TIME: The Jewish Calendar is the master key to unlock the hidden rationale behind the formal structure of ancient sacred texts, as well as to understand and experience the most profound mystical concepts, which reveal the spiritual energy of each week, serving as a practical guide for self-analysis and development.
Weekly Cycle
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Older You Get
And not only when you're having fun.
You race to try to catch it, catch up,
To feel more, be more, not to miss out,
But the moments still pass right by.
Hard to tell the present from the past,
What was from what is momentarily.
It's not so much about you anymore,
What you are and what you could be,
But only about what you can give.
That becomes the only true measure
of time.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Now and Here
Saturday, October 27, 2012
My Joseph in flames
Inpatient admission
Strong pulse still remains.
Arteries and veins
His doctors are reckless
His arms are enchained.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Neo Batman Potter Morning
Ancient writing
And washing
The scar in
My forehead.
Cape and belt
Are strapped in
Arm and head
Gear, Tefillin
For Robin
And for red
Monday, October 22, 2012
Neo Batman Superman, Dad
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Up to me
I'd take on
Every stringency
In thought and prayer
From text to text
And lose myself in mystery
Or ever will be up to me.
It's always been about some
One else who begs us all
Thursday, October 11, 2012
This Yom Kippur
This Yom Kippur
I forgive
Those that showed me the ugly side of
That took what was most dear to me and
Flushed it down the toilet.
Who stole, injured, raped, murdered
With actions but also with words.
That constantly asked, demanded, asked, demanded, and asked again without shame.
And when you didn’t give were made to feel
Who engaged in false flattery, while
Thinking first and foremost of themselves,
I forgive.
And I start anew.
Hoping somehow that this year will be Different.
That I will not be asked for anything that
I cannot afford.
That I will be only with those who love me
For who I am.
With people that are real, like children.
I forgive and I pray
To be forgiven.