Torah – Tishrei - month filled with
holidays and Torah related activity;
Zehirut – Cheshvan -
month of the flood; care not to sin so close after Tishrei;
Zrizut – Kislev - Zrizut, alacrity, is the quality that
defines the Kohanim, the heroes of
Chanukah and this month as a whole);
Nekiut – Teveth - The Ramchal, Rabbi
Moshe Luzzato, explains that Nekiut
means cleanliness from all sin, including those that we rationalize; Teveth is known for sins related to the
tribe of Dan; Shimshon, from Dan, is an example of rationalization gone awry.
Prishut – Shvat - Ramchal
explains Prishut means abstinence
from pleasure, even those permitted, if they could eventually lead to sin; Shvat is related to pleasure of fruits,
Taharah – Adar - Ramchal
explains Taharah means purity in our
desires and emotions; in Purim we get drunk and let our emotions and desire
come out - hopefully they will be pure;
Chassidut – Nissan - Ramchal
explains Chassidut, piety, means going above and beyond to serve Hashem in
every way possible to the best of our ability; the best example of this would
be cleaning on Pessach, where every effort is praiseworthy;
Anavah – Iyar - Ramchal explains
anavah means humility before G-d and others; the problem of Iyar, month of counting of the omer, is that the students of Rabbi
Akivah did not respect one another - they each thought too highly of themselves
in comparison to their fellow students - this showed a lack of humility; on Lag Ba'Omer we celebrate Rabbi Shimon
Bar Yochai, who had this quality;
Yirat Chet – Sivan - Ramchal
explains that Yirat Chet, fear of
sin, in this context, means fear connected to the realization of Hashem's
greatness and magnitude; as we realize this greatness we are literally ashamed
of in any way going against G-d's desires; this was exemplified at the Giving
of the Torah at Mount Sinai;
Kedushah – Tammuz - Ramchal explains that Kedushah means clinging to G-d
at all times, and completely disconnecting from physicality; this is
represented by Reuven, who was in a constant state of Teshuvah after the sin
that took place regarding his father's bed;
Ruach haKodesh – Av - Ruach haKodesh, is most associated with Mashiach, who is called Ruach Apeinu, the spirit of our
nostrils, and who will be endowed with the spirit of G-d;
Tchiat haMetim – Elul - in
Elul we repent for our sins and prepare ourselves to be given new life for the
coming year. A sinful person is called "dead" even while alive, while
a righteous person even after death is called "alive."
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