SONG OF SONGS: 1. "O, that you were like my
brother, who sucked my mother's breasts! I would find you outside, I would kiss
you, and they would not despise me.
SHEVUOTH: Daf 39 – Harsh punishments for false oaths.
Week 39 in the Jewish calendar is the
week of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. The
verse of Shir HaShirim of this week, the
first of the last chapter, speaks of the Jewish people’s desire that it and
Hashem be like siblings – then the Jewish people would find Hashem “outside”
and not be despised. This is an appropriate verse given that the month of Sivan (Gemini/Twins) is now over, and it is in Tammuz that many bad things happened to us. It is a month connected
to exile, in which we were despised outside our land. Rashi’s comments to this verse
make reference to Joseph:
O that you were like my brother: that you would come to console me as
Joseph did his brothers, who did evil to him, and it is stated concerning him
(Gen. 50:21): “and he consoled them.”
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is Joseph’s yahrzeit.
Of the seventy souls of the Jewish
people that descended to Egypt, the thirty-ninth mentioned is Eri. The name appears
related to the verb to be awake, as in “I
am asleep, but my heart is awake,” [Libi
Er] our Sages comment: “Although I am sleeping in exile, my heart is awake
for the Holy One, blessed be He.” (Song
of Songs 5:2)[1] This
week is also connected to Gera, son of Benjamin, whose means a foreigner, a
reference to how Joseph became a stranger in a strange country, like the Jewish
people during this time. Er is also the name of Judah’s son who was killed by
G-d due to his sins. Similarly, the harsh punishments of these months serve as
a wake up call.
Daf Lamed Tet (Folio 39) of Shvuot describes the harsh punishments
for false oaths. Even the family of someone who makes a false oath is punished.
Furthermore, the punishment is immediate; “water and fire do not wear away the
wood and rocks (of his house), but false oaths do… Regarding false oaths,
Hash-m does not cleanse (without punishments) even if he repents.” The daf also connects this concept to the
oaths taken at Sinai.
Chapter 39 of the Book of Jeremiah contains a similar
theme to the above. It is here that the Book of Jeremiah begins giving its
description of the atrocities that took place. It starts by stating that it was
on the “tenth month” that Nebuchadnezzar’s army
besieged Jerusalem, and on “the fourth month” that it breached its
walls. Here the months are counted from Nissan,
so the fourth month is a reference to Tammuz,
and although Tammuz is also known as
the tenth month (counting from Rosh
Hashanah), here it is a reference to Teveth.
Tammuz is also related to the Tribe
of Reuven, and the sense of sight. These verses mention that that after the walls are breached, the
king of Judah is blinded.
6. And the king of Babylon slaughtered Zedekiah's sons
in Riblah before his eye, and the king of Babylon slaughtered all the nobles of
Rashi - and… all the nobles of Judah: These
are the Sanhedrin, because they had annulled the oath.
7. And he blinded
Zedekiah's eyes, and he bound him with copper chains to bring him to
8. And the king's palace and the houses of the people
the Chaldeans burnt with fire, and they demolished the walls of Jerusalem.
9. And the rest of the people who remained in the
city, and the defectors who had defected to him, and the rest of the remaining
people, Nebuzaradan, the chief executioner, exiled to Babylon.
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