Weekly Cycle

27th of Adar, 5785 (March 27, 2025)

Tonight (Thursday Night) begins Day 180 of the Yearly (364-Day) Cycle

Tonight begins Day 5 of Week 26 (Hod shebeHod [shebeNetzach])

Friday, February 1, 2013

Halachot Connections

(Work in Progress) Connections are based on the following study calendar:


Week 36

Choshen Mishpat sections for this week are about the different ways of acquiring land. It then also speaks of acquiring non-Jews and acquiring servants. This all seems very much related to our acquisition of the Torah, as well as G-d's acquisition of us as his servants (previously in the status of non-Jews, at least to some extent). (The last chapters of the Tractate of Erchin (next week) also relate to issues involving the acquisition of land and the Jubilee, year 50, like Shavuot, the 50th day.)

Week 37

The chapters of Choshen Mishpat of this week continue to focus on Kinyan, many of them focusing additional secondary items related to the property acquired. Often, the secondary items are included in the original sale, although at times those items need to be separately identified. Similar to what was mentioned above, the acquisition of the Torah is meant to be expansive, leading to the sanctification of "secondary" items, as well. bringing them from the realm of the mundane into the realm of the holy.

Week 40:

The chapters of Choshen Mishpat of this week continue to focus on Kinyan, many of them focusing additional secondary items related to the property acquired. Often, the secondary items are included in the original sale, although at times those items need to be separately identified. Similar to what was mentioned above, the acquisition of the Torah is meant to be expansive, leading to the sanctification of "secondary" items, as well. bringing them from the realm of the mundane into the realm of the holy.

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