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Monday, October 14, 2024

Zachur LaTov (Remembered for Good)


ההוא = טוב (17)

Bava Basra 106b

In the discussion between Rav Pappa and Abbaye concerning the field bought from "Hahu Gavra”, Rav Pappa complains that he bought a "20" field, but when he counted it, it was only "15."  Abbaye told him what the man meant was that it produced like 20, and that the laws related to invalidating the sale did not apply here because Rav Pappa was familiar with the field..

"Hahu Gavra" here appears to be Elisha HaNavi. Elisha once performed a miracle in which 20 loaves of Bikurim bread fed 100 people and there was still more left over. (II Melachim, 4:42) Elisha performed 15 miracles in his lifetime (and one after his passing). Rav Pappa asked Abbaye how Elisha could have told him that he performed 20 miracles, when Rav Pappa only counted 15. Abbaye explained to him that what Elisha was saying was that, as Rav Pappa already knew, the miracles of Elisha were like the miracle of the 20 loaves of bread and that they all produced much more than meets the eye. 15 can easily equal 20 and much more.

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