Weekly Cycle

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Daily Lesson Transcript for the 16th of Adar


This recording dedicated in the memory Yeachmiel ben Yotzhak and Rachel bat David Kahane 

Ladies and gentlemen, Baruch Hashem, Almighty, Omnipresent, may everyone receive together ultimate blessings and victory. 

Tonight, Saturday night is the 16th of Adar, and the Hayom Yom for today is as follows:

The Alter Rebbe said: The offerings for the Sanctuary included gold, silver and copper, but nothing sparkled except for the mirrors presented by the women. From these mirrors were fashioned the washbasin and its base. These were the last of the Sanctuary articles to be made, but were used at the start of every Sanctuary service (for laving by the kohanim) - for their beginning is implanted in their end.

Avoda for the businessman includes arousing within himself the faith and perfect trust in the One Who feeds and sustains all flesh, that He will provide him with an ample livelihood. He must be truly happy and cheerful, as though all his livelihood were already in hand.

The Kabbalah of Today counting for today is day 168, and that is day 14 of the eighth 22 day cycle: the letter noon within the cycle of Samech and Ayin. The specific combination for today would be the noon with the ayin, forming the word נע, which means to to move. We see this word used in the beginning of the  Torah, regarding Cain, who complains thar would have to keep moving around once he's exiled, and that whoever would find him would kill him. [a focus for the word for us is that this time of the year is one in which we have to keep moving, now preparing for Pessach].

In terms of the Sefirah combination, today is Malchut shebeTiferer shebeNetzach, day seven of week 24, kingdom within balance/beauty within victory.

In terms of the 13 attributes, we’re in dat 12 of cycle 13. It’s the second to last day, and that's Asher Nishbata L’Avoteinu, “as You swore to our forefathers,” within “Mimei Kedem,” as the days of old. So you think of the person's ancestors as a way to find mercy for them, and also remember them from before, before then they sinned, when they were a child. 

I'd like to mention just the idea of Shovavim, of continuing the cycle of Shovavim. Now would be cycle four: the first day of week two of the cycle four: Parashat Vayakhel. Cycle four is connected the Queen Esther, week two is Aaron, and day one is Moshe. This whole week is about Aaron: divine service. Esther is about fasting, about being able to keep quiet, and only to speak one at the right time. Moshe os about Torah. We have to serve Hashem in Tikkun HaBrit through all of these ways. Have a wonderful evening and day.

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