Weekly Cycle

Friday, March 14, 2025

Purim Daily Lesson Transcript


Ladies and Gentlemen, Baruch Hashem! 

Tonight is Purim, 14th of Adar. I'm here with Queen Esther, [my daughter], on Thursday night to make a recording.

Thursday night, 14th of Adar, Purium, 5785. 

The Hayom Yom for the 14th of Adar is as follows: “My grandfather told my father - so this is the grandfather of the Rebbe Rayatz, so this is the Rebbe Maharash told the Rebbe Rayatz’s father, the Rebbe Rashab - “My father, selected the Maamarim printed in Likutei Torah from among 2,000 Maamarim. Wow. 

So now for the second Adar, Adar Sheini: “My grandfather wrote - again this is another reference to Rebbe Maharash - he did not place the sons of Haman in a separate column page, nor de he begin each column page with the word HaMelech. There must be some connection between the Rebbe Maharash and Purim. 

The Kabbalah of Time counting for today - tonight is day 166 of the yearly counting, and that would be day 12 of cycle 8 of the 22-day counting. So that would be the letter lamed within the the cycle of Samech and Ayin. The specific combination really is  Lamed and Ayin, which is very appropriate for Purim: “Al” means on top of, over. For example, when Hannah would pray, it says that she prayed Al Hashem, above the name of Hashem, and the idea of “above” is important because today we are so so high, so so high, to get to the level where we can't even differentiate between blessed is Mordecha and cursed is Hamman, because we're above, we're above all all physicality, all these distinctions, it’s just us and Hashem. 

Yom Kippur is called Yam HaKipurim, a day “like Purim.” Purim is higher, connected to the to the 50th gate, very, very high. We’re all in one of the very, very highest moments, the times of Mashiacg, where even after everything else has been nullified, the Purim story, the Purim day and the Megillah will remain. 

In terms of the Sefirah combination, we are in day 5 of week 24. glory and acknowledgment, within balance or beauty, within victory, endurance. In week 24, it's the fish that are singing. What do the fish sing? The voice of God is upon the waters, the glory of God thunders. God is upon many waters. Rabbi Dosa, the son Hurkanus would say, right this is from Purim: morning sleep, noon time wine, children's chatter, and sitting at meeting places of ignorant, drive a person from this world. Again, these are all things connected to Purim, right? So one of the ways of getting to this level where you're above intellect is morning sleep, another way is to drink wine, noontime wine - it's like really going to perform the Seudah. Children's talk - that’s really what saved us. Mordechai gathered 22,000 children to learb Torah. On Purim we don't differentiate. We're all together on Purim. All these things drive a person from the world because - really important - we’re way, way, way, way above this world. 

In terms of the 13day cycles, we are about to finish, complete the entire cycle, we’re cycle 13, day 10. Titen Emet L’Yaakov them within M’Kedem. It’s idea of treating people whatever level they're at, don't hold people to your standard, hold them to to their own standards. and that way you'll be able to be much more merciful towards them. And M’Kedem is the idea that you are remembering people when they were children, before they did anything wrong, before they even knew right from wrong - again back to the theme of the of the of the day. Just appreciate every Jew, appreciate every person, their good qualities. Remember them as children, like what we were talking about before: children's talk, which saved the Jewish people. We're all children - just stop judging each other. Very happy Purim. Have a wonderful evening and day!

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