For the 17th of Adar:
This recording dedicated in the memory of Yerachmiel ben Yitzchak and Rachel bat David Kahane
Ladies and gentlemen, Baruch Hashem, Almighty, Omnipresent, may everyone receive together ultimate blessings and victory.
Tonight, Saturday night is the 17th of Adar, and the Hayom Yom for today is as follows:
Many years before the Alter Rebbe's imprisonment in Petersburg in 5559 (1798), he once came out of his private quarters to where the Chassidim were gathered and said: "In gan eden1 they sense the preciousness of this lowly world. Not only the Ministering Angels, but even the earliest Emanations2 would forego everything for one amein y'hei sh'mei raba said by a Jew 'with all his power,' meaning with full concentration, i.e., being totally immersed and involved with these words."
This was all he said. The effect was that he kindled such a flame and such a burning enthusiasm in all who heard, that for a full year their amein y'hei sh'mei raba was fiery.
For the second Adar:
In the Tehillim of this day (87:7), say kol maayanei boch (kol with a kamatz). In Birkat hamazon, say kol(in the same verse) with a cholam.
In terms of the Kabbalah of Time Counting for today, we are in day 169 of the year, in terms of the Alef Beit combination, it would be the 15th day of cycle eight, so that's the Ayin within the the cycle of the Samech and the Ayin. So this is where it doubles up. So then so for today it would be instead of saying, Samech within the samech, it would be the Samech within the Ayin. That forms the word, סע, to travel, which has a similar meaning to נע, which means to move. This is a time wheb you have to get moving, because Pessach is coming up.
In terms of the Sfirah combination, so we're now starting week 25, day 1: chesed shebenetzach shebenetzach, kindness within victory/endurance within victory or endurance. It’s the song of the frog, and the Pirkei Avot is all about preparing for Pessach.
In terms of the 13 attributes of mercy, tonight is the the last day. We’re in the 13th day of cycle 13. Mimei Kedem within Mimei Kedem: the idea of thinking of everyone as a child before sin.
In terms of the 41 day cycle, now and day five of cycle five, um so we're we're moving on to the second commandment, understanding it the in the first level, that of Atzilut, in the context of the Rebbe’s Mivtzah of Tzedakah. Have a wonderful evening and day.
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