Weekly Cycle

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 3 (Book 6): Reviewing the Week of (the first part) of Sukkot - Psalms 7-9; 16:8-10; 89:4

Chapter 7
1. A shigayon by David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Kush the Benjaminite. 2. I put my trust in You, Lord, my G-d; deliver me from all my pursuers and save me. 3. Lest he tear my soul like a lion, crushing me with none to rescue. 4. Lord, my G-d, if I have done this, if there is wrongdoing in my hands; 5. if I have rewarded my friends with evil or oppressed those who hate me without reason— 6. then let the enemy pursue and overtake my soul, let him trample my life to the ground, and lay my glory in the dust forever. 7. Arise, O Lord, in Your anger, lift Yourself up in fury against my foes. Stir me [to mete out] the retribution which You commanded. 8. When the assembly of nations surrounds You, remove Yourself from it and return to the heavens. 9. The Lord will mete out retribution upon the nations; judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity. 10. Let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous—O righteous G-d, Searcher of hearts and minds. 11. [I rely] on G-d to be my shield, He Who saves the upright of heart. 12. G-d is the righteous judge, and the Almighty is angered every day. 13. Because he does not repent, He sharpens His sword, bends His bow and makes it ready. 14. He has prepared instruments of death for him; His arrows will be used on the pursuers. 15. Indeed, he conceives iniquity, is pregnant with evil schemes, and gives birth to falsehood. 16. He digs a pit, digs it deep, only to fall into the trap he laid. 17. His mischief will return upon his own head, his violence will come down upon his own skull. 18. I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, and sing to the Name of the Lord Most High.
Chapter 8
1. For the Conductor, on the gittit, a psalm by David. 2. Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth, You Who has set Your majesty upon the heavens! 3. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings You have established might, to counter Your enemies, to silence foe and avenger. 4. When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place— 5. what is man that You should remember him, son of man that You should be mindful of him? 6. Yet, You have made him but a little less than the angels, and crowned him with honor and glory. 7. You made him ruler over Your handiwork, You placed everything under his feet. 8. Sheep and cattle—all of them, also the beasts of the field; 9. the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea; all that traverses the paths of the seas. 10. Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth.
Chapter 9
1. For the Conductor, upon the death of Labben, a psalm by David. 2. I will thank the Lord with all my heart; I will recount all Your wonders. 3. I will rejoice and exult in You; I will sing to Your Name, O Most High. 4. When my enemies retreat, they will stumble and perish from before You. 5. You have rendered my judgment and [defended] my cause; You sat on the throne, O righteous Judge. 6. You destroyed nations, doomed the wicked, erased their name for all eternity. 7. O enemy, your ruins are gone forever, and the cities you have uprooted—their very remembrance is lost. 8. But the Lord is enthroned forever, He established His throne for judgment. 9. And He will judge the world with justice, He will render judgment to the nations with righteousness. 10. The Lord will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. 11. Those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not abandoned those who seek You. 12. Sing to the Lord Who dwells in Zion, recount His deeds among the nations. 13. For the Avenger of bloodshed is mindful of them; He does not forget the cry of the downtrodden. 14. Be gracious to me, O Lord; behold my affliction at the hands of my enemies, You Who raises me from the gates of death, 15. so that I may relate all Your praises in the gates of the daughter of Zion, that I may exult in Your deliverance. 16. The nations sank into the pit that they made; in the net they concealed their foot was caught. 17. The Lord became known through the judgment He executed; the wicked one is snared in the work of his own hands; reflect on this always. 18. The wicked will return to the grave, all the nations that forget G-d. 19. For not for eternity will the needy be forgotten, nor will the hope of the poor perish forever. 20. Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your presence. 21. Set Your mastery over them, O Lord; let the nations know that they are but frail men, Selah.
Chapter 16
8. I have set the Lord before me at all times; because He is at my right hand, I shall not falter. 9. Therefore my heart rejoices and my soul exults; my flesh, too, rests secure. 10. For You will not abandon my soul to the grave, You will not allow Your pious one to see purgatory.

4. I have made a covenant with My chosen one; I have sworn to David, My servant:

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 4 (Book 6): Reviewing the Week of Hoshanah,Shmini Atzeret, Simchat Torah - Psalms 10-12; 16:11; 32:1-3; 89:5


Chapter 10

1. Why, O Lord, do You stand afar, do You hide Yourself in times of distress?2. The wicked man in his arrogance pursues the poor; they are caught by the schemes they have contrived. 3. For the wicked man glories in the desire of his heart, and the robber boasts that he has scorned the Lord. 4. The wicked one in his insolence [thinks], “He does not avenge”; all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” 5. His ways always succeed; Your retribution is far removed from before him; he puffs at all his foes. 6. He says in his heart, “I shall not falter; for all generations no evil will befall me.” 7. His mouth is full of oaths, deceit and malice; mischief and iniquity are under his tongue. 8. He sits in ambush near open cities; in hidden places he murders the innocent; his eyes stealthily watch for the helpless. 9. He lurks in hiding like a lion in his lair; he lurks to seize the poor, then seizes the poor when he draws his net. 10. He crouches and stoops, then the helpless fall prey to his might. 11. He says in his heart, “God has forgotten, He conceals His countenance, He will never see.” 12.Arise, O Lord! O God, lift Your hand! Do not forget the lowly. 13. Why does the wicked man scorn God? Because he says in his heart, “You do not avenge.”14. Indeed, You do see! For You behold the mischief and vexation. To recompense is in Your power; the helpless place their trust in You; You have [always] helped the orphan. 15. Break the strength of the wicked; then search for the wickedness of the evil one and You will not find it. 16. The Lord reigns for all eternity; the nations have vanished from His land. 17. Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; direct their hearts, let Your ear listen, 18. to bring justice to the orphan and the downtrodden, so that [the wicked] shall no longer crush the frail of the earth.

Chapter 11

1. For the Conductor, by David. I have placed my trust in the Lord; [thus] how can you say of my soul, your mountain,1 that it flees like a bird?2 2. For behold, the wicked bend the bow, they have readied their arrow upon the bowstring, to shoot in darkness at the upright of heart. 3. They destroyed the foundations; 3 what [wrong] has the righteous man done? 4. The Lord is in His holy Sanctuary, the Lord's throne is in heaven, [yet] His eyes behold, His pupils probe [the deeds of] mankind. 5. The Lord tests the righteous, but He hates the wicked and the lover of violence. 6. He will rain down upon the wicked fiery coals and brimstone; a scorching wind will be their allotted portion. 7. For the Lord is righteous, He loves [the man of] righteous deeds; the upright will behold His countenance.

Chapter 12

1. For the Conductor, upon the eight-stringed instrument, a psalm by David. 2.Help us, Lord, for the pious are no more; for the faithful have vanished from among men. 3. Men speak falsehood to one another; with flattering lips, with a duplicitous heart do they speak. 4. May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaks boastfully- 5. those who have said, "With our tongues we shall prevail, our lips are with us, who is master over us!” 6. Because of the plundering of the poor, because of the moaning of the needy, the Lord says, "Now I will arise!" "I will grant deliverance," He says to him. 7. The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in the finest earthen crucible, purified seven times. 8. May You, O Lord, watch over them; may You forever guard them from this generation, 9. [in which] the wicked walk on every side; when they are exalted it is a disgrace to mankind.


Chapter 16

11. Make known to me the path of life, that I may be satiated with the joy of Your presence, with the bliss of Your right hand forever.

Chapter 32

1. Of David, a maskil Praiseworthy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is concealed.  
2. Praiseworthy is the man to whom the Lord ascribes no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile.  
3. When I was silent, my bones decayed with my moaning all day long.


5. Until eternity, I shall establish your seed, and I shall build your throne for all generations forever.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 5 (Book 6): Reviewing the Week of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan - Psalms 13-15; 32:4-6; 89:6


Chapter 13

A prayer for an end to the long exile. One in distress should offer this prayer for his troubles and for the length of the exile.

1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. How long, O Lord, will You forget me, forever? How long will You hide Your countenance from me? 3. How long must I seek counsel within my soul, [to escape] the grief in my heart all day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me? 4. Look! Answer me, O Lord, my G-d; give light to my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death. 5. Lest my enemy say, "I have overcome him," [and] my oppressors rejoice when I falter.6. I have placed my trust in Your kindness, my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord, for He has dealt kindly with me.

Chapter 14

This psalm speaks of the destruction of the two Holy Temples-the first by Nebuchadnezzar, and the second by Titus.

1. For the Conductor, by David. The fool says in his heart, "There is no G-d!" [Man's] deeds have become corrupt and abominable, no one does good. 2. The Lord looked down from heaven upon mankind, to see if there was any wise man who searches for G-d. 3. They have all gone astray together, they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one. 4. Indeed, all the evildoers, who devour My people as they devour bread, who do not call upon the Lord, will [ultimately] come to know [the consequences of their actions]. 5. There they will be seized with fright, for G-d is with the righteous generation. 6. You scorn the counsel of the lowly, that he puts his trust in the Lord. 7. O that out of Zion would come Israel's deliverance! When the Lord returns the captivity of His people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice.

Chapter 15

This psalm speaks of several virtues and attributes with which one should conduct oneself. He is then assured that his soul will rest in Gan Eden.

1. A psalm by David. Who may abide in Your tent, O Lord? Who may dwell on Your holy Mountain? 2. He who walks blamelessly, acts justly, and speaks truth in his heart; 3. who has no slander on his tongue, who has done his fellowman no evil, and who has brought no disgrace upon his relative; 4. in whose eyes a despicable person is abhorrent, but who honors those who are G-d-fearing; who does not change his oath even if it is to his own detriment; 5. who does not lend his money at interest, nor accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never falter.

Tikun HaKlali

Chapter 32

4. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my marrow became [dry] as the droughts of summer, Selah. 

5. My sin I made known to You, my iniquity I did not cover. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You have forgiven the iniquity of my transgression forever. 

6. For this let every pious man pray to You, at a time when You may be found; indeed, the flood of many waters will not reach him. 

Chapter 89

6. Then the heavens will extol Your wonders, O Lord; Your faithfulness, too, in the congregation of the holy ones. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 6 (Book 6): Reviewing the Second Week of Cheshvan - Psalms 16-18; 32:7-9; 89:7

Chapter 16
1. A michtam,1 by David. Watch over me, O G-d, for I have put my trust in You. 2. You, [my soul,] have said to G-d, "You are my Master; You are not obligated to benefit me.” 3. For the sake of the holy ones who lie in the earth, and for the mighty-all my desires are fulfilled in their merit. 4. Those who hasten after other [G-ds], their sorrows shall increase; I will not offer their libations of blood, nor take their names upon my lips. 5. The Lord is my allotted portion and my share; You guide my destiny. 6. Portions have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, a beautiful inheritance is mine. 7. I bless the Lord Who has advised me; even in the nights my intellect admonishes me.2 8. I have set the Lord before me at all times; because He is at my right hand, I shall not falter. 9. Therefore my heart rejoices and my soul exults; my flesh, too, rests secure. 10. For You will not abandon my soul to the grave, You will not allow Your pious one to see purgatory.11. Make known to me the path of life, that I may be satiated with the joy of Your presence, with the bliss of Your right hand forever.
Chapter 17
1. A prayer by David. Hear my sincere [plea], O Lord; listen to my cry; give ear to my prayer, expressed by guileless lips. 2. Let my verdict come forth from before You; let Your eyes behold uprightness. 3. You have probed my heart, examined it in the night, tested me and found nothing; no evil thought crossed my mind; as are my words so are my thoughts. 4. So that [my] human deeds conform with the words of Your lips, I guard myself from the paths of the lawbreakers. 5. Support my steps in Your paths, so that my feet shall not falter. 6. I have called upon You, for You, O Lord, will answer me; incline Your ear to me, hear what I say. 7.Withhold Your kindness-O You who delivers with Your right hand those who put their trust in You-from those who rise up against [You]. 8. Guard me like the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings 9. from the wicked who despoil me, [from] my mortal enemies who surround me. 10. Their fat has closed [their hearts]; their mouths speak arrogantly. 11. They encircle our footsteps; they set their eyes to make us stray from the earth. 12.His appearance is like a lion longing to devour, like a young lion lurking in hiding. 13. Arise, O Lord! Confront him, bring him to his knees; rescue my soul from the wicked [who serves as] Your sword. 14. Let me be among those whose death is by Your hand, O Lord, among those who die of old age, whose portion is eternal life and whose innards are filled with Your concealed goodness; who are sated with sons and leave their abundance to their offspring. 15. Because of my righteousness, I shall behold Your countenance; in the time of resurrection, I will be sated by Your image.
Chapter 18
1. For the Conductor. By the servant of the Lord, by David, who chanted the words of this song to the Lord on the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. 2. He said, "I love You, Lord, my strength. 3. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my rescuer. My G-d is my strength in Whom I take shelter, my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 4. With praises I call upon the Lord, and I am saved from my enemies. 5. For the pangs of death surrounded me, and torrents of evil people terrified me. 6. Pangs of the grave encompassed me; snares of death confronted me. 7. In my distress I called upon the Lord, I cried out to my G-d; and from His Sanctuary He heard my voice, and my supplication before Him reached His ears. 8. The earth trembled and quaked; the foundations of the mountains shook-they trembled when His wrath flared. 9. Smoke rose in His nostrils, devouring fire blazed from His mouth, and burning coals flamed forth from Him. 10. He inclined the heavens and descended, a thick cloud was beneath His feet. 11. He rode on a cherub and flew; He soared on the wings of the wind. 12. He made darkness His concealment, His surroundings His shelter-of the dense clouds with their dark waters. 13. Out of the brightness before Him, His clouds passed over, with hailstones and fiery coals. 14. The Lord thundered in heaven, the Most High gave forth His voice-hailstones and fiery coals. 15. He sent forth His arrows and scattered them; many lightnings, and confounded them. 16. The channels of water became visible, the foundations of the world were exposed-at Your rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils. 17.He sent from heaven and took me; He brought me out of surging waters. 18. He rescued me from my fierce enemy, and from my foes when they had become too strong for me. 19. They confronted me on the day of my misfortune, but the Lord was my support. 20. He brought me into spaciousness; He delivered me because He desires me. 21. The Lord rewar-ded me in accordance with my righteousness; He repaid me according to the cleanliness of my hands. 22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not transgressed against my G-d; 23. for all His laws are before me, I have not removed His statutes from me. 24.I was perfect with Him, and have guarded myself from sin. 25. The Lord repaid me in accordance with my righteousness, according to the cleanliness of my hands before His eyes. 26. With the kindhearted You act kindly, with the upright man You act uprightly.27. With the pure You act purely, but with the crooked You act cun- ningly. 28. For the destitute nation You save, but haughty eyes You humble. 29. Indeed, You light my lamp; the Lord, my G-d, illuminates my darkness. 30. For with You I run against a troop; with my G-d I scale a wall. 31. The way of G-d is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. 32. For who is G-d except the Lord, and who is a rock except our G-d! 33. The G-d Who girds me with strength, and makes my path perfect. 34. He makes my feet like deers', and stands me firmly on my high places. 35. He trains my hands for battle, my arms to bend a bow of bronze. 36. You have given me the shield of Your deliverance, Your right hand upheld me; Your humility made me great. 37. You have widened my steps beneath me, and my knees have not faltered. 38. I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back until I destroyed them. 39. I crushed them so that they were unable to rise; they are fallen beneath my feet. 40. You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued my adversaries beneath me. 41. You have made my enemies turn their backs to me, and my foes I cut down.42. They cried out, but there was none to deliver them; to the Lord, but He did not answer them. 43. I ground them as the dust before the wind, I poured them out like the mud in the streets. 44.You have rescued me from the quarrelsome ones of the people, You have made me the head of nations; a nation I did not know became subservient to me. 45. As soon as they hear of me they obey me; strangers deny to me [their disloyalty]. 46. Strangers wither away, they are terrified in their strongholds. 47. The Lord lives; blessed is my Rock; exalted is the G-d of my deliverance.48. You are the G-d Who executes retribution for me, and subjugates nations under me. 49. Who rescues me from my enemies, Who exalts me above my adversaries, Who delivers me from the man of violence. 50. Therefore I will laud You, Lord, among the nations, and sing to Your Name. 51. He grants His king great salvations, and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever."
Chapter 32
7. You are a refuge to me; protect me from distress; surround me with songs of deliverance forever. 8. I will enlighten you and educate you in the path you should go; I will advise you with what I have seen. 9. Be not like a horse, like a mule, senseless, that must be muzzled with bit and bridle when being adorned, so that it not come near you.
7. Indeed, who in heaven can be compared to the Lord, who among the supernal beings can be likened to the Lord!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 7 (Book 6): Reviewing the Third Week of Cheshvan - Psalms 19-21; 32:10-11 & 41:1-2; 89:8

Chapter 19
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. The heavens recount the glory of the Almighty; the sky proclaims His handiwork. 3. Day to day speech streams forth; night to night expresses knowledge.4. There is no utterance, there are no words; their voice is inaudible. 5. Their arc extends throughout the world; their message to the end of the earth. He set in them [the heavens] a tent for the sun, 6. which is like a groom coming forth from his bridal canopy, like a strong man rejoicing to run the course. 7. Its rising is at one end of the heavens, and its orbit encompasses the other ends; nothing is hidden from its heat. 8. The Torah of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making wise the simpleton. 9. The precepts of the Lord are just, rejoicing the heart; the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes. 10. The fear of the Lord is pure, abiding forever; the judgments of the Lord are true, they are all righteous together. 11. They are more desirable than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey or the drippings of honeycomb. 12. Indeed, Your servant is scrupulous with them; in observing them there is abundant reward. 13. Yet who can discern inadvertent wrongs? Purge me of hidden sins. 14. Also hold back Your servant from willful sins; let them not prevail over me; then I will be unblemished and keep myself clean of gross transgression. 15. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
Chapter 20
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. May the Lord answer you on the day of distress; may the Name of the G-d of Jacob fortify you. 3. May He send your help from the Sanctuary, and support you from Zion. 4. May He remember all your offerings, and always accept favorably your sacrifices. 5. May He grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill your every counsel. 6. We will rejoice in your deliverance, and raise our banners in the name of our G-d; may the Lord fulfill all your wishes. 7. Now I know that the Lord has delivered His anointed one, answering him from His holy heavens with the mighty saving power of His right hand. 8.Some [rely] upon chariots and some upon horses, but we [rely upon and] invoke the Name of the Lord our G-d. 9. They bend and fall, but we rise and stand firm. 10. Lord, deliver us; may the King answer us on the day we call.
Chapter 21
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. The king rejoices in Your strength, Lord; how greatly he exults in Your deliverance! 3.You have given him his heart's desire, and You have never withheld the utterance of his lips. 4. You preceded him with blessings of good; You placed a crown of pure gold on his head.5. He asked of You life, You gave it to him-long life, forever and ever. 6. His glory is great in Your deliverance; You have placed majesty and splendor upon him. 7. For You make him a blessing forever; You gladden him with the joy of Your countenance. 8. For the king trusts in the Lord, and in the kindness of the Most High-that he will not falter. 9. Your hand will suffice for all Your enemies; Your right hand will find those who hate You. 10. You will make them as a fiery furnace at the time of Your anger. May the Lord consume them in His wrath; let a fire devour them. 11. Destroy their offspring from the earth, their descendants from mankind.12. For they intended evil against You, they devised evil plans which they cannot execute. 13. For You will set them as a portion apart; with Your bowstring You will aim at their faces. 14. Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and chant the praise of Your might.

Chapter 32
10. Many are the agonies of the wicked, but he who trusts in the Lord is surrounded by kindness. 11. Rejoice in the Lord and exult, you righteous ones! Sing joyously, all you upright of heart!
Chapter 41
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David. 2. Fortunate is he who is thoughtful of the poor, [for] the Lord will save him on the day of evil. 
8. The Almighty is revered in the great assembly of the holy ones, awe-inspiring to all who surround Him. 

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