STORY OF CHANNAH: 3. Do not increasingly speak
haughtily; Let not arrogance come out of your mouth, For the Lord is a God of
thoughts, And to Him are deeds counted.
QUALITY OF THOSE THAT STUDY THE TORAH FOR ITS OWN SAKE: and raises him above all creations
PROVERBS: Chapter 31
TZADDIKIM: Rebbe Menachem
Mendel of Vitebsk and Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke of Nicholsburg
On Week 31, the week of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzma’ut,
the verse from the story of Hannah
speaks of the importance of not being arrogant. These words are once again
reminiscent of the horse in Book 1, who, despite his strength, looks to Hashem
like a servant looks to its Master. As mentioned there, Israel’s victory in its
War of Independence was due to Hashem’s great mercy and should not be a cause
of haughtiness.
The Pirkei
Avot adjective of this week is also connected to the idea of humility
and greatness. It takes that the Torah “raises him above all creations.” Even
though the verse states that person that studies Torah for its own sake is
raised above everything, the use of the word “creations” (Ma’assim) instead of “things” or “people,” keeps everything in the
proper perspective – after all, even the highest of beings is simply a minute creation
vis-à-vis the Creator. This is the very last quality mentioned, a culmination of all the others mentioned until now.
Chapter 31 of the Book of
Proverbs contains many of the above themes. It’s first verses speak of a king, raised
above everyone else, yet nevertheless is chastised by the one who gave him life
and was a partner in his creation - his mother:
1. The words of Lemuel the king; a prophecy that his mother
chastised him;
2. What, my son, and what, the son of my womb, and what, the
son of my vows?
This is the last chapter of the Book of Proverbs, and
concludes with Eshet Chayil, and ode
to the Torah itself.
This week includes many yahrzeits,
including two prominent students of the Maggid of Mezritch: Rabbi Menachem
Mendel of Vitebsk (1st of Iyar)
and Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke (2nd of Iyar).
From Ascent:
Rabbi Menachem Mendel
of Vitebsk/Horodok [1730 - 1 Iyar 1788] was an elder disciple of the Magid of
Mizritch and one of the earliest Chasidic rebbes. He led the first modern
aliyah to Israel, in 1777, where he and three hundred Chasidim and others
settled in Tsefat (Safed). After a few years they moved to Tiberias, where he
is buried in the "students of the Baal Shem Tov" section of the Old
Cemetery. His works include Pri HaAretzand Likutei Amarim.
Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke
HaLevi Horowitz of Nikolsburg (1726 - 2 Iyar 1778) was a major disciple of the Maggid of
Mezritch along with his younger brother, Rabbi Pinchas, who became the Rabbi of
Frankfort. Many of the leading rebbes in Poland and Galitzia were originally
his disciples. Among the books he authored are Divrei Shmuel and Nazir
Other yahrzeits this
week include Rabbi Chaim Vital (principle student of the Arizal, 30th of
Nissan), Rabbi Yaakov Beirav (Chief
Rabbi of Tzfat, 1st of Iyar),
Rabbi Avraham of Slonim-Baranovich (the Beis Avrohom, 1st of Iyar), Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu son of Rabbi Shaul
Yedidya Elazer Taub (Modzhitzer Rebbe, 4th of Iyar), Rabbi Chaim
Meir Yechiel Shapira of Mogelnitz (5th of Iyar), Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Perlow
(Stoliner Rebbe, 6th of Iyar)
and Rabbi Yosef Meir Weiss (6th of Iyar).