STORY OF CHANNAH: 17. And Eli answered and said: Go in
peace, and the God of Israel will grant your request which you have asked of
QUALITY OF PIRKEI AVOT: From him, people enjoy counsel
PROVERBS: Chapter 17
TZADDIKIM: 24 Tevet - Rabbi Shneur
Zalman, the Alter Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein of Soccatchov, as
well as that of Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Biderman of Lelov
Week 17 is the last week of Teveth, and includes the yahrzeit
of the Alter Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, on the 24th
of Teveth. The verse from the
story of Channah is Eli’s response to Channah. He tells her to go in
peace, and that Hashem will grant her request. The Hebrew words used are “Lechi L’Shalom,” which literally means
go to peace. In Hebrew, “go in peace,”
Lech B’Shalom, is only used for those
that have passed away. Rav Kook explains that one cannot wish to be in ultimate
peace in this world. This is a world of struggles, particularly during the
month of Teveth. The ultimate peace
will one day come, but in the meantime, be prepared for an intense journey. The
events leading up to the Alter Rebbe’s passing, were quite intense and tumultuous.
(See Week 17, Book I)
This week’s Pirkei
Avot quality is that “people enjoy counsel,” from those that study
Torah for its own sake (Lishmah). In Channah’s story above, Eli’s
counsel allows Channah to finally be able to breathe slightly more easily, knowing that
her prayers for a child would be answered.
The entire Book of Proverbs is about
enjoying counsel from the wise. Chapter 17 is no different.
Aside from the Alter Rebbe, this
week contains the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein of
Soccatchov, as well as that of Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Biderman of Lelov, both
also on the 24th of Teveth.
Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein was the son
of Rabbi Avraham Bornstein, the Avnei
Nezer. Rabbi Shmuel is most well known for his extraordinary Chassidic
work, the Shem MiShmuel. Like the
Alter Rebbe, both father and son were known not only for their Chassidic
insights, but also for their tremendous knowledge in the “revealed” Torah
knowledge and Jewish law.
Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Biderman was the sixth Lelover Rebbe.
He lived in Israel at the time that Jerusalem was liberated in the Sixth Day
War. Of all the Chassidic rabbis, it was Rabbi Biderman that spent the most
time by the Kotel HaMa’arivi, the
Western Wall. He moved to Jerusalem to be close to the Kotel, and his prayers there would last most of the day. (Ascent)