וולודמיר - ולדמיר = 12 = גוג
ג׳זלנזקי - פוטין = 52 = מגוג
אוכראניה - רוסיה = 12 = גוג
THE KABBALAH OF TIME: The Jewish Calendar is the master key to unlock the hidden rationale behind the formal structure of ancient sacred texts, as well as to understand and experience the most profound mystical concepts, which reveal the spiritual energy of each week, serving as a practical guide for self-analysis and development.
וולודמיר - ולדמיר = 12 = גוג
ג׳זלנזקי - פוטין = 52 = מגוג
אוכראניה - רוסיה = 12 = גוג
Cycles of Shovavim Tat:
Shin: Torah study (Fire)
Vav: Hitbodedut (Connection)
Bet/Bet: Bahab fasting
Yud: Tikkun HaKlali (Ten Psalms)
Mem: Taanit Dibbur (Closed Mouth)
Tav/Tav: Teshuvah/Tzedakah/Tefilah; Tikkun Rachel/Tikkun Leah
Count from Yom Rishon close to Rosh Hashanah to match Parasha Shemot as beginning of Week 17:
Weeks 1-8 : Shin (Moshe)
Weeks 9-16: Vav (Aaron)
Weeks 17-24: Bet (Mordechai)
Weeks 25-32: Bet (Esther)
Weeks 33-40: Yud (Rashbi)
Weeks 41-48: Mem (Arizal)
Weeks 49-50: Tav (Baal Shem Tov)
Weeks 51-52: Tav (Rebbe Nachman)
Week 49: Shin - Vav
Week 50: Bet/Bet
Week 51: Yud - Mem
Week 52: Tav/Tav
In years with two Adars, extra four weeks are 25-26: Tav (Mashiach); 27-28: Tav (Eliyahu)