7. Remember, O Lord, for the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, those who say, "Raze it, raze it, down to its foundation!"

THE KABBALAH OF TIME: The Jewish Calendar is the master key to unlock the hidden rationale behind the formal structure of ancient sacred texts, as well as to understand and experience the most profound mystical concepts, which reveal the spiritual energy of each week, serving as a practical guide for self-analysis and development.
Weekly Cycle
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Week 50 (Book 6): Reviewing the Fourth Week of Elul - Psalms 148-150; 137:7-9; 89:51
7. Remember, O Lord, for the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, those who say, "Raze it, raze it, down to its foundation!"
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Week 51 (Book 6): Reviewing the Fourth Week of Elul - Perek Shirah 1-3; 150:1-3; 89:52
firmament tells of His handiwork." (Psalms 19:2)
than the breakers of the sea, Hashem is mighty on high." (Psalms 93:4)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Week 52 (Book 6): Reviewing the Week of Rosh Hashanah - Perek Shirah 4-6; 150:4-6; 89:53
Chapter Five
The Sheep and Goats say: "Who is like You among the might ones, Hashem, who is like You, adorned in holiness, awesome in praise, worker of wonders!" (Exodus 15:11)
The Cattle say: "Rejoice unto God, our strength, applaud the God of Jacob!" (Psalms 81:2)
The Swine say: "Hashem is good to the upright and the straight of heart." (Psalms 128:2)
The Beast of Burden says: "If you eat the fruit of your labors, how happy and fortunate you are." (Psalms 128:2)
The Camel says: Hashem roars from upon high and sounds His voice from His holy Abode, and roars His agony about His Temple. (Jeremiah 25:30)
The Horse says: "Behold, as the eyes of the servants to their
master's hand, as the eyes of a maid to her mistress's hand, so are our eyes to Hashem our God until He will favor us." (Psalms 123:2)
The Mule says: "All the kings of earth shall acknowledge You, Hashem, for they have heard the sayings of Your mouth." (Psalms 138:4)
The Donkey says: "To You, Hashem, is the greatness and the might and the triumph and the glory for everything in heaven and earth is Yours; To You, Hashem, is the monarchy and the sovereignty over every leader." (Chronicles I, 29:11)
The Ox says: "Then sang Moses and the Children of Israel this song to Hashem, and they said, 'I shall sing to Hashem, for He has risen above the arrogant; He threw the horse and its rider into the sea." (Exodus 15:1)
The Wild Animals say: "Blessed is the Good One Who does good." (Talmud, Berachos 48b)
The Deer says: "And I shall sing of Your might and I shall rejoice of Your kindness in the morning, for You were a fortress for me and refuge on the day of my oppression." (Psalms 59:17)
The Elephant says: "How great are your works, Hashem; Your thoughts are extremely deep." (Psalms 92:6)
The Lion says: "Hashem shall go forth as a mighty man; as a warrior arouses zeal, He shall shout, even roar; He shall overcome His enemies." (Isaiah 42:13)
The Bear says: "The wilderness and its cities shall lift raise their voices, the courtyards where Kedar dwells, the rock dwellers shall rejoice, they will shout from the mountain peaks. They will give glory to Hashem and tell of His praise on the islands." (Isaiah 42:11-12)
The Wolf says: "For every criminal act – for the ox, the donkey, the lamb, the garment, for every lost item which he says, 'This is it!', shall they both come with their claim to the judge; he who the judge finds guilty shall pay double to his fellow." (Exodus 22:8)
The Fox says: "Woe to him that builds his house without righteousness and his upstairs rooms without justice; he employs his fellow with no wages, and will not pay him his due." (Jeremiah 22:13)
The Greyhound says: "Let the righteous rejoice in Hashem; glory befits the upright." (Psalms 33:1)
The Cat says: "If you rise up like a vulture, and place your nest among the stars, from there I shall bring you down, say G-d." (Obadiah 1:4)
And the Mouse says: "I shall exalt you G-d, for You have impoverished me, and You have not let my enemies rejoice over me." (Psalms 30:2)
And when the Cat catches it, the Cat says, "I shall pursue my enemies and overtake them, and I shall not return until they are destroyed." (Psalms 18:38)
And the Mouse says: "And You are just for all that comes upon me, for You have acted in truth and I have been wicked." (Nehemia 9:33)
Chapter Six
The Insects say: "May Israel rejoice in his Creator; may the children of Zion be joyful in their King." (Psalms 149:2)
The Reptiles say: "Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the chambers of your house, your children like olive seedlings around your table." (Psalms 128:3)
The Snake says: "Hashem supports the fallen and straightens the bent over." (Psalms 145:14)
The Scorpion says: "Hashem is good to all, and His mercy is upon all His handiwork." (Psalms 145:9)
The Snail says: "Like a snail that melts away, a stillbirth that does not see the sun." (Psalms 58:9)
The Ant says: "Go to the ant, sluggard; see its ways and become wise." (Proverbs 6:6)
The Rat says: "Let every soul praise Hashem, Halleluja!" (Psalms 150:6)
The Dog says: "Come, let us prostrate ourselves and bow, let us kneel before Hashem our Maker." (Psalms 95:6)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Week 12 (Book 7): The Raven Is Saying
The Raven is saying,
Who prepares food for the raven,[So] the Lord guided them alone,
I sought him but I did not find him.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Week 13 (Book 7): The Starling is Singing
The Starling is Saying,
He made them ride upon the high places of the earth,
That they would eat the produce of the field.
Their seed shall be known among the nations,
And their offspring among the peoples;
He let them suck honey from a rock,
And oil from the mighty part of the crag.
All who see them shall acknowledge them,
That they are the seed that G-d has blessed.
Those that sit in judgment,
And those that walk on the path, tell of it.
Too awesome for praises,
Performing wonders!
Instead of the noise of adversaries,
Between the places of drawing water,
You inclined Your right hand;
The earth swallowed them up.
The watchmen who patrol the city found me:
Have you seen him whom my soul loves?
Only her lips moved, but her voice could not be heard;
Therefore, Eli thought she had been drunk.
Now Hannah, she spoke in her heart;
Why are you downcast, my soul, and why do you wail within me?
Hope to G-d, for I will yet thank Him for the deliverances of His countenance.
From the brightness before Him flamed forth coals of fire.
I had just passed them by,
When I found him whom my soul loves;
These do I recall, and pour out my soul from within me:
How I traveled [to Jerusalem] in covered wagons; I
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field,
Yours is the arm which has the might;
Strengthen Your hand, raise high Your right hand.
held him and would not let him go, until I brought him into my mother's house
And into the chamber of her who had conceived me.
I would walk leisurely with them up to the House of G-d,
Amid the sound of rejoicing and thanksgiving, the celebrating multitude.
My G-d! My soul is downcast upon me,
Because I remember You from the land of Jordan
And Hermon's peaks, from Mount Mitzar.
That you neither awaken
Nor arouse the love while it is desirous.